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Forum : Music : who wants to do a remix?

aidor [uk]
Profile Picture
Post: 17
Last track: Just Can't Sleep At Night (Remix)
while sorting through my stuff i came across the original tracks for my bands demo. we were a funk/rock setup called "gecko" we kicked the ass out of belfast about 5/6 years ago with some amazing gigs (if i do say so myself)
anyway like i said, i found the individual tracks and wondered would anybody here like to do a remix of any of the tracks? if you want to hear the songs as they were originally go to:
send me a pm with your email address & i'll email you the tracks. just let me know which song/songs you want & i'll send them. 
the only thing is, if you do a remix please send me a copy, as we'd love to hear what you do with them.
 oh yeah, we're reforming the band for a quick tour of germany & switzerland - which is nice!
any questions?