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mrfrendo - I DONT CARE


This track is a pretty old one of mine, it was made after I had comments on a track made before it, saying it sound likes this ! it sounds like that ! so I came up with I dont care.. hope you like.. oh also while i made this track i had a balcony door open and there was a big storm going on out side.. when i finnaly finished it it sounded like somthing was missing i then relised it was the storm so i put one in lol .........





LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago

good stuff

crolerbedo [be] - 18 years ago

too much vocals, it gets really boring..or is it just to show how much you were bored by the "like this, like that"...
well, apart from that, it's nice

DeHomunculus [be] - 18 years ago

you should lower the volume on the vocal. a bit too loud imo. besides this little issue, you got a killertrack here :D the storm is one hell of a nice touch. i sometimes record busdrives with my mp3. old people chatting bout youth nowadays, bus departing, bell ringing, bus stops... also gives a nice atmo i think :D