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AndyKB - Amongst The Stars




otg [uk] - 17 years ago

Brilliant sample, where's it from? The drums are following a loose version of the Amen pattern, so perhaps breakbeat's the genre for it. There's no reason why a stronger drum pattern couldn't be laid over it to give it more drive... oh wait, you do at 2:40ish! The vocal sample's a little overused, and there's not much variation in the tune once all of the elements have been introduced. The section after the 4/4 beat comes in could be used as the main theme, perhaps lose the opening 2 minutes, make the intro before the 4/4 a lot shorter, then expand the 4/4 section.

AndyKB [uk] - 17 years ago

Hello :)
The vocals are from a sample pack by LoopMasters although I think most of the samples are public domain as they are samples from 1920/30s films.
The amen is actually “the amen”, I sampled it direct from the original record by The Winstons so Breaks I agree with :)
I agree with your comments, the intro is way to long and I need to change some elements to keep it varied.
Gonna have another play with that tune soon and my mate is working on a re-mix so I will let you know when available online to listen to

Thanks again for the comments :)

crolerbedo [be] - 16 years ago

yep, agree that intro is a bit too long, but you could keep it if it lead to something bigger directly...the whole is nice, but lacks power for me...don't be ashamed of letting your anger out ;)

yaka [be] - 16 years ago

very nice ..... like it alot ..!!!!!