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AraLow - Paper Room


A darker vibe, slight cinimatic feel with detuned strings. Thinking of sending this to Roots Manuva....anyone else want to have a go at some moody lyrics feel free!





keito [uk] - 18 years ago

Top notch stuff. Really atmospheric and it deserves some interest from any self respecting muso's

much respect

liquidbass [be] - 18 years ago

Yeah niiiice!

Anonymous [uk] - 18 years ago

really nice...:hargh, i hope this site s gonna work in england, could be really interesting..!

Youzk [fr] - 18 years ago

Yeah, good job

The detuned string are cool everything is good here actualy :d

Felle free to listen my song and comment then :d

MucH [be] - 17 years ago

I agree this is simply wonderful!

Nice work ;-)

Edit : I have to say that i'm totally fan :)


Cardinal [uk] - 17 years ago

Great composition.

Fine strings and the drums are top notch