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soundescape - Illuminated (The Almost Unbearable Light Of Truth)




LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago

dtr.. there's no prob of an abrupt end for me... the song ends softly at 12:21

LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago

Excellent track!!! Nice dreamy buidup!

Usually I'm not so fond of the agressive percussion sounds... but here I like it. Fits the image!

Good one!

dtr [be] - 18 years ago

hey! why did it stop abruptly? might be something wrong with your upload.

dtr [be] - 18 years ago

great athmosphere. love the ethereal sound of it. i think the high pitched and reverbed kick drum sound coming in a bit before 7:00 is a bit too loud though. but i love the rest! dreamy piano works well.

rf061992 [be] - 18 years ago

yes cool song.... :))

Erophin [be] - 18 years ago

thats really greatly done !!! listened and downloaded it all the way ... ufcorse i did . like the autechrish beat 'album amber'
and easy listing scapes.nice" long trip... ive red the biggest secret 1&2 ... and i agree that reading about real history, kicks u awake and make u have profound and compassioned feelings about the earth and its habitants, waiting to be free .. free and hole again :)) ;) [img]http://www.hollowplanets.com/journal/images/reproid.gif[/img]

filmjolk [be] - 18 years ago

everything is just great. the pad, the melody bells, the beats (omg they are amazing). but everything is too long imo! 12 minutes... it could be half the time that it would be even better... i'm going to watch your new tracks... really the kind of music i really dig. very expanding records. ;)

Erophin [be] - 18 years ago

Cardinal : listened 150 times if u count all the times ive listened to ur song at home ... im considering of making a clip for it if u agree that is offcorse ... it would be a clip with winterscapes ..of white and blue ...footprints in da snow ... big up this song is great !!!
btw : this song belongs in the Ambiant section or electronica ... if this is experimental, everything is ...