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musetta - Ophelia's Song


Laid back underground jazz club style track, beautiful sultry female vocals sit nicely over brushed drums and smooth bass to produce a rounded 1930s or graphic novel romance scene soundtrack.


musetta top 5:




Anonymous [uk] - 18 years ago

totally great!!
(greets from belgium)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Awesome track!! I would have added you to my favs if I could ;)

LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago

Huh yeah.... bring us more of these!!! I'm an addict!

LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago

I listened to your other tracks on your homepage... I'm very impressed!

crap [be] - 18 years ago

this track allmost makes me wanna go smokin again :-) thumbs up for the atmosphere!

dtr [be] - 18 years ago

this song feels like a quiet spring morning. very nice!

rule001 [be] - 18 years ago

totally great stuff!!
damn, wish i could ad it to favs

LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago

so sad this eargasm...

Anonymous [uk] - 18 years ago

really good voice,and the music is very soft it's appeasent

LittleOnion [uk] - 18 years ago

beatiful song

loved it

just a note the first musical break just about sustained me - i felt it didn't quite work as well as the rest - but soon was right back in it - the mid section vocal was wonderful too - just beautiful

more more (cheers)

Little Onion

Anonymous [uk] - 18 years ago

what a beutiful song!

loved it

just a quick comment - in the first break away from vocal -i know its only a short section but it didn't quite sustain me to the same extent as the rest of the piece which quickly grabbed me again - love the mid section vocal change too


h0wieb [uk] - 18 years ago

Nice work, SEXy AS Hell, Well worthy of a remix... If you'd let me?


Bullish [uk] - 18 years ago

Lovely singing, and nice mixing with alot of emphasis on the vocals - very chilled and very cool, shame it's the middle of winter when I first hear this track lol

Keep it up :)

Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago

waw! great!

anddrod [uk] - 18 years ago


Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

verry pro stuff... i dl the .wav samplepack....lets remix this shizzle

Fsuchs [fr] - 16 years ago

Realyy great, kind od "waltz for koop' feeling on it..
Thumbs Up!

Freakywrath [fr] - 16 years ago

just listen and sitdown

jikjax [fr] - 16 years ago

Relly great silky lounge song ! Bravo !

Anonymous [uk] - 15 years ago

I like