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aidor - STO


Originally a song from my previous band "gecko" recorded about 2001, i took the vocal track & put my own instrumentation to it. This is how i imagined it when we originally wrote it, but couldn't pull this off live. Vocals by Roisin Cush.





LiquidBass [uk] - 18 years ago


dtr [be] - 18 years ago

very good! nice and chill, and sounds really professional too

rule001 [be] - 18 years ago

ok, third song i listen from u...
...third hit!

way cool!

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

good chill track...
good sound quality and good vocal
thumbs up

aidor [uk] - 18 years ago

wow thanks for all your comments people! i really appreciate it! - though after listening back to it, i think i may change the structure a bit, because it seems a bit samey to me... if you know what i mean. btw if anyone wants roisin to sing for them on a track then send me a message!

StaticZi [uk] - 18 years ago

great stuff !!!

kornie [be] - 18 years ago

verry professional sounding!

everuthing fits well verry good...

only the vocal sounds a bit 'thin' in some places...

good one ++

aidor [uk] - 18 years ago

hey kornie! i know what you mean. but it is a by-product of severe EQ to get rid of the bass & guitar from the original track. i was going to get roisin to sing it again & write more lyrics.

if anybody would like to hear the original song i took the vocals from go to www.myspace.com/brendanokelly

antares [be] - 18 years ago

like it
very chill, really liked the wahwah guitar solo!

KAMDER [uk] - 18 years ago

i like your sound quality ! but this trip-hop is not my sensibility ......

Sou [fr] - 17 years ago

Very releasing. I like ;)

MinimalPrince [it] - 17 years ago

wonderfull very very great i like it

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

very very nice!!!

Anonymous [uk] - 17 years ago

i love sto just my cup of tea